Another Ex-Elder here. Was the COBE, Convention, CA speaker, Convention Program Overseer, Regular Pioneer, etc.
I know its hard, being an Elder is like taking a constant drug. You’re told “you are a glorious one, you’re in Jesus right hand, you’re being directed by Holy Spirit, the Governing Body loves and supports you, etc...”
I gave my wife piecemeal “truths” at a time. Keep it simple.
They lied to us and no one wants to take responsibility. “Millions now living will never die”, was said in 1919, they’re all dead now. The “Generation “ teaching has changed 5 times, but no apology for us making life decisions based on the current teaching. I gave talks in the 1980’s and 90’s, quoting the Watchtower that these Last Days will be over within this 20th Century. Now, we are in our 60’s, broke, no retirement, wasted our youth, vital energies on a lie, that we would “ never grow old, never die, not need to plan for retirement!”
We are sad, anger and bitter!
Step down now and try to salvage whatever life you have left before you die! You can not refute the facts! Everything thing else is speculation, hopes and dreams.